My coasters contain centrally positioned images that are reduced Photoshop mediations of industrial landscape views. The views began from photographs that I took at various locations in 1998 and 1999, mostly in the New Jersey Meadowlands. I made a series of 22 paintings from the photographs which I then scanned on the computer. Each scan was subjected to a predetermined sequence of Adobe filters, and the results were reduced and printed out. For the Coaster Project, I pasted each image onto a cardboard square that was given a faux metallic finish. Under each image is the URL for my website which discusses the origin of the landscapes (as a part of the Gratuitous Art Project that I began in 1999 and have been documenting with photographs and video)and has a link to another website that I designed which features recontextualized animations of my other work, as well as photographs of my "Entropic Permutations" Installation at the Samuel Dorsky Museum at SUNY, New Paltz.